Ok, so this didn't actually happen on Easter, but it was a touching conversation between my niece and I and I have the time today to share it....
Recently, while standing in my parent's backyard with my 6-year-old neice, Elianna, I was watching my 7-year-old nephew, Junito play soccer with my dog. Then, probably as a result of consuming some type of dairy, I farted.
Elianna: (laughing and squishing up her face) Ewwwww, Aunt Bekah, that's gross! Say excuse me!
Me: Sorry. (laughing) That's why I'm single.
Elianna: What do you mean?
Me: Well, guys don't find it attractive when girls fart. So, here I am at 30 without a Husband.
Elianna: (thinking for a moment and then her eyes pop open) You should just wait till Junito grows up! You can marry him 'cuz he loves farts.
Me: Somehow I don't think that will work out.