On the third day of my trip to
the wildlife, hike through the steamy trails, and sit and wait until
the great
Like many times in my childhood,
my parents made a promise that they didn't keep. Instead, we went to
see the Grand Tetons. Although these are, by far, some of the most
majestic mountains I have ever seen, I was less than impressed
considering the fact that I had been living in
geyser at this park. I spent the next 19 years saying that one day, I
would get to
wonders of
While planning a visit to
My friend is about to look bad in this story, so I am leaving his name out of it. Also, I have to preface this account by saying he is probably the one person in the world that I love and care about more than anybody else and whom I absolutely adore. He has been part of my life for the last fourteen years and I truly think he is an amazing and wonderful person. However, I still cannot understand how someone could think that a football game could ever trump a natural wonder. Still, he offered to take me on a ten hour round trip to see what I’d been wanting to see and he was paying for it, so I kept my mouth shut…..quite literally, actually, I barely talked the entire trip.
your mom is a natural wonder.
hey there. I'm reading your blog now. You'd better be really interesting.
Lovely Bekah...You are walking INTO the life you are meant to make...steady and sure and full of mirth...I'm proud of you
Yeah, I am with Liz...update your blog!
not sure how to take the sycamore house comment...anyway, what you claim as a "promise" to go to Yellowstone, was acutally a plan to go to Great Salt Lake. We never planned to go to Yellowstone...your great uncle
Don suggested that the Grand Tetons were much more impressive so we changed our plans, not our "promise"...just want to set the record straight.
love you
funny. I saved this stone from a parking lot that had been painted yellow and wrote in my diary that it was the only yellowstone I would see...you sure you didn't tell us we would be going there? 'cuz I had it in my mind that we were.
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