Sometimes life gets hard.
You work all day, study all night and hope for a better life.
Then, sometimes your dad gets cancer. and some things just aren't as important anymore.
Joy doesn't come from working hard anymore.
Joy comes from seeing my dad wrapped up in a hammock in a ray of sun days before the Chemo starts poisoning his body.
Joy comes from catching butterflies with my 3-year old niece, taking goofy pictures with my 6 year old niece, and from the laughter that comes from my nephew when I tickle him.
Joy comes from preparing a meal for friends.
Joy comes from a night of popcorn, pizza, wine, and good Kung Fu movies with a friend.
Joy comes from smiles in a hospital when dad puts the last two chocolates on the end of his bed and looks at me. who cares about calories then?
Joy comes from a long walk and a talk when we should be studying.
Joy comes from a hot shower on a cold morning.
Joy comes from a full moon on a clear night.
despite the scary things in life, God has a way of reminding you to stop and enjoy the moments that really matter.
Those moments are not regret, anger, hate, judgment, or competition. These are things that are a total waste of time because they do nothing to bring about the good moments.
Sometimes your dad gets cancer and you realize that the pettiness isn't worth it and that it's ok to cut out the negative people and things in your life because they are only a waste of time.
I'm not a self-help guru or anyone who is very important to anybody. But, if you have read this far, take my advice and knock it off!
Stop hurting people, stop talking behind their backs, stop judging, stop hating, stop wasting your time, 'cuz you don't have as much of it as you think you do.
Start loving, start laughing, make goofy faces, catch a butterfly, give thanks, sing a song, take a picture, take a day off work, spend time with your family instead of your school work, walk away when negativity walks through the door or calls you on the phone.
And most importantly; no matter what happens in life, look up to the sky and sing Hallelujah!
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